Register (sculpture)

Register (sculpture)

Register is a term that refers to pictographic representation of a "scene", and its separation from an adjoining scene by putting the scene in "regestered" sections. This term can be applied in sculpture, or ancient artwork, or languages. Scenes are typically separated by lines, with each straight line separating the scenes into Block registers.

Common examples are from Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs as decoration scenes, on objects.

Luwian language hieroglyphs were also represented in stone art, in registers. Another example, in Mesopotamian art, would be the stones called, Kudurru, or boundary stones, which often had registers of gods on the upper registers of the scenes.

ee also

*Luwian language
*Libyan Palette, (external link 2)
Former link 1, had 3 registers of "Marching animals".

External links

* [ Louvre block statue of "Wahibre"-(Wah,ib,re)] Louvre statue.
Enlarge in Window--(to see: Registers of hieroglyphs); accessed 1 June 2007. See also: Block statue (Egyptian)
* [ inscription-(Registers)] ; [ Article] . see: Aramaic language

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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