Terrible Towel

Terrible Towel

The Terrible Towel is a gimmick created for the encouragement of the Pittsburgh Steelers, an American football team in the National Football League (NFL). Created in 1975 by late Steelers radio broadcaster Myron Cope, the Towel has since become "arguably the best-known fan symbol of any major pro sports team".cite news|url=http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3266796 |title=Former Steelers broadcaster, Terrible Towel creator Cope dies|accessdate=2008-05-15|date=2008-02-28|publisher=ESPN|author=Associated Press] Since its invention, The Terrible Towel has spread in popularity; fans often take their Towel to famous sites while on vacation. The Towel has been taken to the peak of Mount Everest and seen on Saturday Night Live. It is widely recognized as a symbol of the Steelers and the city of Pittsburgh. [cite web |url= http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08059/861100-66.stm|title= What people are saying ... about Myron Cope's passing|accessdate=2008-06-10 |publisher= Pittsburgh Post-Gazette|date= 2008-02-28] Cope 2002, p. 142.]

Proceeds from sales of the Towel have raised over US$2 million for a Pennsylvania school which cares for people with mental retardation and physical disabilities. Terrible Towel is credited with being the first "rally towel", its success has spawned similar trends. Despite the struggles of the Steelers franchise and negative treatment from opposing teams, the Towel has remained a key part of Steelers culture. Despite alterations, the Towel remains yellow in color, with the words "Myron Cope's Official The Terrible Towel" printed in black on the front.


Two weeks prior to the Steelers' first playoff game of the 1975 season, the team's flagship radio station WTAE's Vice President and General Manager, Ted J. Atkins, and President of Sales, Larry Garrett, explained that they needed Cope's assistance in inventing a "gimmick" in order to attract sponsors to his daily commentaries and talk show. Initially, Cope did not want to participate, saying "I am not a gimmick guy, never "have" been a gimmick guy."Cope 2002, p. 143.] However, after Garrett's suggestion that a successful gimmick would be good leverage for a raise in Cope's upcoming contract renewal, Cope replied, "I'm a gimmick guy." [cite news |first= Gerald|last= Eskenazi|title= CHAMPIONSHIPS; The Steelers' Towel Is Not for Crying |url= http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=990CE2DF1330F932A25752C0A963958260&sec=&spon=&&scp=25&sq=Three%20Rivers%20Stadium&st=cse|work= Sports|publisher= The New York Times|date= 1995-01-11|accessdate=2008-08-07]

The three men, along with other radio station advertising personnel, began brainstorming ideas. One idea, a black mask including coach Chuck Noll's motto "Whatever it takes", was deemed too expensive. Cope said the gimmick should be something "lightweight and portable and already owned by just about every fan." Garrett suggested using towels. Cope agreed, suggesting the words "The Terrible Towel" be printed on the front. It was agreed that the towels would be gold or yellow, with the writing in black—the colors of the Steelers. Franklin C. Snyder, who was head of WTAE's radio and television stations, held the final approval of the idea. He approved the idea on the stipulation that black towels would also be allowed, in order to avoid accusations of racism from the FCC; Cope and Garrett agreed.Cope 2002, p. 144.]

In the weeks leading up to the game, Cope advertised the idea of the towel to fans on the radio and evening television news, using the phrase "The Terrible Towel is poised to strike!" However, Atkins grew nervous that fans would think the towel was a jinx if the Steelers lost the game. Cope agreed to poll players on their view of the towel. Linebacker Jack Ham told Cope, "I think your idea stinks"; Ernie "Fats" Holmes was also against the idea. Also against the ideas of the Towel, was Andy Russell who mirrored Cope's original thoughts, "We're not a gimmick team. We've never been a gimmick team." Cope simply replied, "Russell, you're sick." Growing nervous about the negative feedback, Cope, who had already advertised the towel on the news multiple times, polled the rest of the players with a "banana-republic vote".Quote box
quote =I found Terry Bradshaw seated on a stool at his locker, reading the farm reports. "How do you feel about the Terrible Towel?" I asked him.

He looked up and said, "Huh?"

I check him off as a yes...I reported back to Ted Atkins that the Steelers overwhelmingly approved of the Towel.
source =Myron Cope, "Double Yoi!"
width =900px
align =center
The Towel made its debut on December 27, 1975 in a playoff game against the Baltimore Colts. Prior to the game, Cope watched the gathering fans through his binoculars from the broadcast booth.Cope 2002, p. 145.] Cope, whose idea had been mocked by the local Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, saw less than a dozen towels while players were going through pre-game warm-ups. Cope recalls the event, "Nearing kickoff, the Steelers gathered in their tunnel for introductions, whereupon the crowd exploded—and suddenly, by my estimation, 30,000 Terrible Towels twirled from the fists of fans around the stadium!" The Steelers went on to defeat the Colts 28–10. In the following weeks, the team defeated the Oakland Raiders and Dallas Cowboys, to capture the franchise's second consecutive Super Bowl victory. Even while the Steelers struggled through the 1980s, the Towel remained a large part of the franchise.Cope 2002, p. 147.]

During the Towel's debut game Andy Russell, who had opposed the idea of the Towel, returned a fumble 93‒yards for a touchdown. The play inspired local fan Lisa Benz to write about the Towel, which she later sent to Cope. In part, her poem read:cite video |people= Myron Cope|title= Myron Cope - Voice of the City|medium= DVD|publisher= NFL Films|location= Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania|accessdate= 2008-06-08|time= 4:54]

{|align="center"Quote box2 |width= 18em |border= 2px |align= center |bgcolor= #c6dbf7 |halign= center | title=|quote="He ran ninety-three"
"like a bat out of hell,"
"And no one could see"
"How he rambled so well."
"It was easy," said Andy"
"And he flashed a crooked smile,"
"I was snapped on the fanny"
"By the Terrible Towel!"


The Towel has been redesigned multiple times, as well as spawning its own line of paraphernalia. The line, known as "Terrible Stuff", includes t-shirts, license plates, pillows, earrings, and beach towels; all include The Terrible Towel logo. [cite web |url= http://www.steelers.com/catalog/terriblestuff/|title= The Terrible Towel and Terrible Stuff|accessdate=2008-06-11 |publisher= Steelers.com] When originally released, the yellow Terrible Towel included the words "Myron Cope's Official - The Terrible Towel". The current version of the Towel adds the words "A Pittsburgh Original" at the bottom. [cite web |url= http://news.steelers.com/catalog/product/37556/|title= The Terrible Towel|accessdate=2008-06-11 |publisher= Steelers.com] Towels with a plethora of variations are also in production; such variations include Towels featuring the Steelers logo, [cite web |url= http://news.steelers.com/catalog/product/37557/|title= Logo Towel|accessdate=2008-06-11 |publisher= Steelers.com] woven instead of printed lettering, [cite web |url= http://news.steelers.com/catalog/product/37558/|title= Woven Terrible Towel|accessdate=2008-06-11 |publisher= Steelers.com] and towels with reversed colors featuring yellow writing on a black towel. [cite web |url= http://news.steelers.com/catalog/product/37555/|title= The Black Terrible Towel|accessdate=2008-06-11 |publisher= Steelers.com] Throughout the years there have also been many special edition Towels. After the Steelers won Super Bowl XL in 2005, a Towel with the words "Super Bowl XL Champions", the date, final score, and Super Bowl XL logo was released. [cite web |url= http://news.steelers.com/catalog/product/62357/|title= Super Bowl XL Champions Terrible Towel (With Scores)|accessdate=2008-06-11 |publisher= Steelers.com] The victory also spawned the production of a Towel featuring the logos of the five Super Bowls that the franchise has won. [cite web |url= http://news.steelers.com/catalog/product/66569/|title= Five Time Champions Terrible Towel|accessdate=2008-06-11 |publisher= Steelers.com] During the Steelers' 75th anniversary season in 2007, a special edition Towel with the logo of the Steelers' benchmark season was added to the line-up of Towels. [cite web |url= http://news.steelers.com/catalog/product/75804/|title= 75th Season Terrible Towel|accessdate=2008-06-11 |publisher= Steelers.com]

Rights and proceeds

Upon the sudden popularity of the Terrible Towel, Pittsburgh area department stores sold out all yellow and black hand towels. Because the hand towels were often sold as a set, with matching bath towels, stores were left with un-even sets. This prompted Gimbels department store to begin marketing "The Official Myron Cope Terrible Towel" during the 1976 season.Cope 2002, p.146.] Gimbels has since gone out of business; the current manufacturer of the Towel is McArthur Towel & Sports Co., in Baraboo, Wisconsin.cite web |url= http://pittsburgh.about.com/od/steelers/p/terrible_towel.htm|title= The Terrible Towel|accessdate=2008-06-09 |last= Kimberly |first= Powell|coauthors=Albrecht Powell|publisher=About.com] The current cost of a towel is approximately $7.cite news |first= Rob|last= Amen|authorlink= |coauthors= |title= Terrible Towel copycats|url=http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/sports/steelers/s_534763.html?source=rss&feed=9 |publisher= Pittsburgh Tribune-Review|date= 2007-10-26|accessdate=2008-06-10] In 1996, Cope gave the rights to The Terrible Towel to the Allegheny Valley School in Coraopolis, Pennsylvania.cite web |url= http://www.avs.net/terribletowel.cfm|title= Myron Cope and The Terrible Towel|accessdate=2008-06-09 |publisher= Allegheny Valley School] The school provides care for more than 900 people with mental retardation and physical disabilities, including Cope's autistic son. [cite web |url= http://www.fybush.com/NERW/2008/080303/nerw.html|title= NorthEast Radio Watch|accessdate=2008-06-09 |last= Scott|first= Fybush|publisher=NorthEast Radio Watch] Proceeds from the Terrible Towel have helped raise more than $2.2 million for the school. During the 2005 season, when the Steelers won their fifth Super Bowl, more than 1 million Towels were sold; as some fans bought 200 Towels at a time. [cite news |author= Associated Press|authorlink= Associated Press|title= Steelers fans stockpile Terrible Towels for Super Bowl|url=http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/wire?section=nfl&id=2313092|publisher= ESPN.com|date= 2006-01-31|accessdate=2008-06-10 ]

Widespread recognition

Upon its invention, Cope commented on the multi-functional ability of The Terrible Towel, "I'll tell 'em they can use the towel to wipe their seats clean. They can use it as a muffler against the cold. They can drape it over their heads if it rains."Cope 2002, p.143.] However, the towel is often used by fans who do not attend games. Fans often drape the towel over their radios or television sets, some even dress their pets or babies with it. It has become a tradition for Steelers fans to take Terrible Towels on vacation, taking pictures next to well-known tourist destinations.cite web |url= http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08059/861249-360.stm|title= Memorializing Myron.|accessdate=2008-06-10 |last= Gigler|first= Dan|date= 2008-02-28|publisher= Pittsburgh Post-Gazette] Fans have taken the Towel to locations such as The Great Wall of China, the South Pole, Vatican City, and to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.Cope 2002, p.141.] Hampton native Kevin Cherilla took his Terrible Towel during his climb to the peak of Mount Everest. [cite news |first= Kathleen|last= Ganster|title= Mount Everest climber credits teamwork|url=http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08101/871847-54.stm|publisher= Pittsburgh Post-Gazette|date= 2008-05-15|accessdate=2008-06-10] Military personnel have taken pictures with the Towel while stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan as part of the War on Terrorism. [cite web |url= http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08135/881813-360.stm|title= We get pictures...|accessdate=2008-06-10 |last= Gigler|first= Dan|date= 2008-02-28|publisher= Pittsburgh Post-Gazette] During her campaign for the 2008 Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton received a Terrible Towel during a visit to Pittsburgh. [cite web |url= http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/04/26/hillary-clinton-takes-a-swing-at-sports-metaphors/|title= Hillary Clinton takes a swing at sports metaphors|accessdate=2008-06-10 |last= Marquardt|first= Alexander|date= 2008-04-28|publisher=CNN] Fans waved Terrible Towels at the gold medal match for Women's beach volleyball at the 2008 Olympic Games. [cite news |first= Teresa|last= Varley|title= Steelers fans show support at Olympics|url= http://news.steelers.com/article/93986/|publisher= Steelers.com|accessdate=2008-08-21]

Honoring Cope

In 2005, Cope retired after 35 years as the Steelers radio announcer—the longest tenure of any broadcaster with a single team in NFL history. Cope was honored by the Steelers with the release of a limited special edition Towel, featuring his name and catch phrases. Cope was made an honorary co-captain for the Steelers for a Monday night game against the Baltimore Ravens. Cope led the fans in a towel wave at half time; the Towel that Cope used is now in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. [cite news |first= Robert|last= Dvorchak|authorlink= |coauthors= |title= Cope officially throws in towel|url=http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05305/598575-66.stm|publisher= Pittsburgh Post-Gazette|date= 2005-11-01|accessdate=2008-06-10]

In response to how he would like to be remembered, Cope responded, "When I kick the bucket, there'll be a little story that'll say, 'Creator of Towel Dead'". On February 27, 2008, Cope died of respiratory failure in Pittsburgh. [cite news |first= Richard|last= Goldstein|title= Myron Cope, 79, Writer and Steelers Broadcaster, Is Dead|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/29/sports/football/29cope.html?_r=1&oref=slogin|publisher= The New York Times|date= 2008-02-29|accessdate=2008-06-10 ] The following day, an article from the Associated Press concerning Cope's death was entitled "Former Steelers broadcaster, Terrible Towel creator Cope dies". Upon Cope's death, over 350 fans gathered downtown Pittsburgh in snowy weather for a tribute to the inventor. The ceremony concluded with one minute of silent Towel waving. [cite news |first= Moriah|last= Balingit|title= Cope fans say 'Bye, now' in towel-twirling tribute|url=http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08061/861772-66.stm|publisher= Pittsburgh Post-Gazette|date= 2008-03-01|accessdate=2008-06-10 ] Days later, cast member Seth Meyers waved a Terrible Towel on Saturday Night Live, in tribute to Cope. [cite news |first= Rob|last= Owen|title= Tuned In Journal: Clinton, Cope surprise on 'SNL'|url=http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08062/861980-237.stm|publisher= Pittsburgh Post-Gazette|date= 2008-03-02|accessdate=2008-06-10]


Before a 1994 playoff game, against long time rival Cleveland Browns, Steelers defensive tackle Brentson Buckner accidentally dropped a Towel that he was waving during the player introductions. Browns running back Earnest Byner stepped on the Towel yelling, "We don't care about your towel. We're going to beat you this time." This act "provok [ed] other Steelers and Browns to mingle. Not affectionately."cite news |first= Dave|last= Anderson|title= Sports of The Times; The 'Terrible Towel' Waves Once Again |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=990CE7DF173CF93BA35752C0A963958260 |work= |publisher= The New York Times|date= 1995-01-08|accessdate=2008-06-10] The Steelers went on to win the game 29-9.

During the 2005 season, wide receiver T. J. Houshmandzadeh, of the Cincinnati Bengals, wiped his feet on a Towel after he scored a touchdown. After the touchdown, the Bengals were unable to score again and the Steelers came back to defeat them 31–17. [cite web |url= http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/boxscore?game_id=28850&displayPage=tab_box_score&season=2005&week=POST18&override=true|title= Wild Card Weekend - Box Score|accessdate=2008-06-11 |publisher= NFL.com|date= 2006-01-08]

Similar gimmicks

Three years prior to the Towel's invention, fans of the undefeated Miami Dolphins would cheer the team by waving white handkerchiefs. However, the handkerchiefs were quickly deemed "too dainty" for football, and the tradition faded. The Terrible Towel is traditionally known as the first "rally towel"; its popularity has spawned similar traditions for other teams. Fans of the Minnesota Twins cheer the team with the "Homer Hanky" during the playoffs. The Philadelphia Phillies have distributed white towels to fans during home games. "Hate the Yankees Hankies", in reference to the franchise's rivalry with the New York Yankees, were handkerchiefs once distributed to Cleveland Indians fans.cite news |first= Robert|last= Dvorchak|title= Cope's own epitaph? 'Creator of Towel Dead'|url=http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08059/861098-66.stm|publisher= Pittsburgh Post-Gazette|date= 2008-02-28|accessdate=2008-06-10 ] During a 2006 playoff game against the Steelers, the Indianapolis Colts handed out blue towels to rally fans, however, Pittsburgh went on to win the game. In a 2000 preseason game, played in Mexico City, many fans that filled the 100,000 seat Aztec Stadium waved Towels. Cope, glad that the Allegheny Valley School would receive a sizable donation from the proceeds, was later disappointed to learn the towels waved by the fans were "knockoffs" made by local artists, and therefore no proceeds would go to the school.




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