

In Roman mythology, Angitia was a snake goddess. As snakes were often associated with the healing arts in ancient Roman mythology, Angita is believed to have been mainly a goddess of healing. She was particularly venerated by the Marsi, a people from central Italy (may be same as Angita). She had powers of witchcraft and was a master in the art of miraculous and herbal healing, especially when it came to snakebites. She was also attributed with a wide range of powers over snakes, including the power to kill snakes with a touch. Many Romans claim that she is the same as Bona Dea.

ANGITIA or ANGUI'TIA, a goddess worshipped by the Marsians and Marrubians, who lived about the shores of the lake Fucinus. She was believed to have been once a being who actually lived in that neighbourhood, taught the people remedies against the poison of serpents, and had derived her name from being able to kill serpents by her incantations. [ [ Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, page 178 (v. 1) ] ]

According to the account given by Servius, the goddess was of Greek origin, for Arigitia, says he, was the name given by the Mar­rubians to Medea, who after having left Colchis came to Italy with Jason and taught the people the above mentioned remedies. Silius Italicus identifies her completely with Medea. Her name occurs in several inscriptions, in one of which she is mentioned along with Angerona, and in another her name appears in the plural form. From a third inscription it seems that she had a temple and a treasury be­longing to it. The Silvia Angitia between Alba and lake Fucinus derived its name from her. [ [ Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, page 178 (v. 1) ] ]



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  • ANGITIA — nemus in Marsorum regione, inter Albam et lacum Fucinum, Selva d Albi vulgo. Solino Anguitia dicitur c. 8. Gentem Marsorum serpentibus illesam esse, nihil mrum; a Circes filio genus ducunt, et de avita potentia deberi sibi sentiunt servitium… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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