

Infobox Given Name Revised
name = Ingo

pronunciation= ɪɳʔo
gender = Male
meaning = protected by Yngvi
region = Northern Europe
origin = Germanic
related names = Inga
footnotes =

Ingo is a first name in contemporary Scandinavia and Germany, and a historical name in France. It is the male version of the name Inga, used in the same region, and as a name for a tropical plant.

"Ingo" means "protected by Yngvi", who is the main god for the Ingvaeones, and is probably a different name for the Germanic god Freyr.

Persons with the name Ingo

* Ingo Anderbrügge, German football player
* Ingo Buding, German tennis player
* Ingo Giezendanner, Swiss artist
* Ingo Hoffmann, Brazilian race car driver
* Ingemar Johansson, "Ingo", Swedish boxer
* Ingo Molnár, Hungarian computer programmer
* Ingo Nugel, German composer of video game music
* Ingo Preminger, American movie producer, brother of director Otto Preminger
* Ingo Rademacher, German-born Australian soap opera actor
* Ingo Schmitt, German politician
* Ingo Schulze, German author
* Ingo Schwichtenberg, German rock musician
* Ingo Steuer, German figure skater
* Ingo Swann, remote viewer
* , a character in the video game ""

ee also

* Inga, Ingolf, Ingmar, Ingobald, Ingrid, Inka, Inken

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