Augustinus Triumphus

Augustinus Triumphus

Augustinus Triumphus (1243 – 1328), known as Augustinus of Ancona, Agostino Trionfo, was a Hermit of St. Augustine and writer. He is celebrated for his work "Summa de potestate ecclesiastica", printed in 1473. In the latter part of the sixteenth century, according to William J. Bouwsma ("Venice and the Defense of Republican Liberty", p. 312) it became 'a standard repository of papalist arguments'; and was several times reprinted.

He is often linked with Alvarus Pelagius, who wrote in the same area of papal and Church rights.


* Michael Wilks (1963), "The Problem of Sovereignty in the Later Middle Ages. The Papal Monarchy with Augustinus Triumphus and the Publicists"

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* [ Page by Ugo Mariani (Italian language), context and minor works]

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