Explant culture

Explant culture

Explant culture is a technique used for the isolation of cells from a piece or pieces of tissue. Tissue harvested in this manner is called an "explant". It can be a portion of the shoot, leaves, or some cells from a plant, and can be any part of the tissue from an animal.

In brief, the tissue is harvested in a sterile manner, often minced, and pieces placed in a cell culture dish containing growth media. Over time, progenitor cells migrate out of the tissue onto the surface of the dish. These "primary cells" can then be further expanded and transferred into fresh dishes.

"Explant culture" can also refer to the culturing of the tissue pieces themselves, where cells are left in their surrounding extracellular matrix to more accurately mimic the in vivo environment e.g. cartilage explant culture. [Orth MW et al. (2000) Cartilage turnover in embryonic chick tibial explant cultures. Poult Sci 79:990-993.]


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  • explant — Living tissue transferred from an organism to an artificial medium for culture. * * * ex·plant ( )ek splant vt to remove (living tissue) esp. to a medium for tissue culture ex·plan·ta·tion .ek .splan tā shən n ex·plant ek .splant n …   Medical dictionary

  • explant — I. transitive verb Etymology: ex + plant (as in implant) Date: 1915 to remove (living tissue) especially to a medium for tissue culture • explantation noun II. noun Date: 1917 living tissue removed from an organism and placed in a medium for… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • explant — explantation, n. v. /eks plant , plahnt /; n. /eks plant , plahnt /, v.t. 1. to take living material from an animal or plant and place it in a culture medium. n. 2. a piece of explanted tissue. [1570 80; < NL explantare. See EX 1, PLANT] * * * …   Universalium

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