War of the Five Kings

War of the Five Kings

The War of the Five Kings is a fictional war that takes place in American fantasy author George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series of novels. The war begins during the events of the first novel, "A Game of Thrones" and remains ongoing at the close of the fourth volume, "A Feast for Crows", although the war has been greatly reduced in scale by this time.

The War of the Five Kings


The most immediate cause of the War of the Five Kings was the death of King Robert Baratheon from a wound taken while hunting. His son and heir King Joffrey Baratheon was only acknowledged by House Lannister; the other great houses of Tyrell, Tully, Stark, Greyjoy, Baratheon of the Stormlands and Baratheon of the Narrow Sea were named traitors after they refused to support his claim. However, there were several events leading up to this conflict that influenced both the king's injury and the war that followed it.

The death of Lord Jon Arryn, Robert's first Hand of the King, is arguably the first significant development. Arryn took sick unexpectedly and died within a few days. Lord Stannis Baratheon fled King’s Landing fearing for his family’s safety and believing Jon was murdered for knowing the truth: that the children everyone believed to be Robert's own were, in fact, bastard children of an incestuous union between Queen Cersei and her brother Ser Jaime Lannister. King Robert traveled north to Winterfell to ask his friend Lord Eddard Stark to become his new Hand. Lysa Arryn sent a coded letter to her sister Catelyn, Eddard Stark's wife, claiming that the Lannisters had her husband murdered. Catelyn convinced her husband to go south and investigate as Hand. During the king's trip to Winterfell, Bran Stark, Eddard and Catelyn's son, had seen the queen and her brother having sex while climbing the walls of the castle. Jaime Lannister threw the child from the tower to ensure that the secret died with him, but the boy survived, lingering in a coma. Some days after the King and Hand had left, a hired assassin came to kill the still-comatose lad, but was prevented from doing so by Catelyn and Bran's pet direwolf. Lady Catelyn elected to go south to inform her husband of the attack.

When she arrived in King's Landing, she was met by her old friend, Petyr Baelish, who told her that the hired assassin's dagger had belonged to Tyrion Lannister, another brother of the queen. This was a lie, but neither Catelyn nor Eddard suspected it. Eddard told his wife to return home. While on the return journey, she encountered Tyrion at a roadside inn and had him arrested for the attack on Bran. She took him to her sister in the Vale, where Tyrion faced trial by combat for his alleged crimes. He won his freedom, but the fact of his arrest brought the ire of House Lannister. At the same time, in his investigations of the death of Jon Arryn, Eddard found out the truth of Cersei's children while King Robert was on a boar hunt. He revealed his knowledge to the queen, out of mercy suggesting that she go into exile so that she will escape from King Robert, who he believed would have had Cersei, Jaime, and the children executed.

However, Cersei had planned for this contingency. While King Robert was still on hunt, she had Lancel Lannister, the king's squire, give the king unusually potent wine before a day of hunting, resulting in an inebriated Robert being gored by the giant boar. King Robert returned to King's Landing, and, on his deathbed, named Eddard regent for Joffrey, Cersei's eldest son. Robert then died, and Joffrey was shortly thereafter crowned king. Eddard, however, did not wish the accession to the throne of the illegitimate Joffrey, and plotted with Petyr Baelish to place Stannis Baratheon, King Robert's eldest brother, on the throne, passing over the younger Renly Baratheon who was still at court and put himself forward. Petyr Baelish had never truly allied himself with Eddard, however, and betrayed Eddard's plan to Cersei, who arrested Eddard as a traitor and imprisoned him. Renly Baratheon, who had offered tepid support for Eddard's plan, fled King's Landing that morning.

Learning of Lord Eddard's arrest, his son and heir Robb called his father's armies together and marched south. Although there was only one king in the realm, the newly-crowned King Joffrey, the War of the Five Kings had begun.

Battles of Lannister, Tully and Stark

* Battle of Golden Tooth. Ser Jaime Lannister led some 15,000 men against the defensive encampment of 4,000 men east of Golden Tooth, under the command of Lord Vance and Lord Clement Piper. Jaime’s host won an easy victory. Lord Vance and Lord Darry were killed while Lord Piper led the survivors back to Riverrun. The new Lord Karyl Vance also led some survivors away to attack the Lannister supply lines.
* Battle of Riverrun. Ser Edmure Tully was training an army of some 16,000 levies near Riverrun, when Ser Jaime Lannister’s host attacked. Ser Jaime won another easy victory. Ser Edmure was captured along with many of his bannermen and Lord Tytos Blackwood led the survivors into Riverrun as Ser Jaime’s host besieged the Castle.
*Battle of Mummer's Ford and the Brotherhood without Banners.* Tywin Lannister sent Gregor Clegane to ravage some of the countryside in the riverlands. At the request of Ser Marq Piper and Ser Karyl Vance, Eddard agreed to send a force to deal with Clegane and bring him to justice. However, Ned's leg was broken by an altercation with Jaime Lannister and he could not lead himself. Tywin was hoping for an ambush that would give him Ned so he could trade him for Tyrion. Ned named Lord Beric Dondarrion to lead the force and sent Thoros of Myr, Lord Raymun Darry, Ser Gladden Wylde and Lord Lothar Mallory along with Alyn of Winterfell from his own guard to fight alongside him. The force numbered 120 not including Piper and Vance's men. Once word reached them of the Battle of Golden Tooth, Piper and Vance left on their own to attack the Lannister supply lines and help break the siege of Riverrun. Sometime after the beginning of the siege, Tywin Lannister brought his forces numbering 20,000 into the Riverlands. As Dondarrion crossed the Mummer's Ford, Tywin and Clegane attacked from all sides, killing Ser Gladden Wylde and Lord Lothar Mallory. Gregor killed Lord Raymun Darry himself and gravely wounded Lord Dondarrion. Thoros and Alyn rallied the survivors and escaped with Dondarrion. Thoros nursed Dondarrion back to health(which everyone else thought but secretly revived him using magic) . They began attacking the Lannister foragers and supply lines, becoming outlaws to the soon to be ruling Lannisters. Alyn of Winterfell died in the campaign leaving Beric Dondarrion and Thoros to lead their growing numbers. They named themselves the Brotherhood Without Banners.
*Conquering the Riverlands. Lord Tywin Lannister led an army of 20,000 men north from the Golden Road to travel across the Trident conquering the Riverlord’s holdfasts of all but the Twins, Riverrun and Seaguard. Lord Tywin takes Ravenhall since Lord Tytos Blackwood is trapped in Riverrun, Lady Shella Whent yields Harrenhall as she has no soldiers to defend it and Ser Gregor Clegane leads attacks that burn out the Pipers and Brackens. In this campaign Ser Cedric Payne was killed, therefore leaving Podrick Payne, his squire, with Ser Lorimer the Belly. Ser Kevan Lannister had Ser Lorimer hanged for stealing from the camp supplies and had Podrick transferred over to be Tyrion's squire.
*Battle of the Green Fork. Lord Tywin’s army met its first real opposition as house Stark, led by Robb Stark, entered the war on behalf of House Tully. Lord Roose Bolton executed a night attack, leading roughly 16,000 men. However Ser Addam Marbrand’s outriders saw them coming and roused Tywin’s army in time to prepare for battle. Lord Tywin’s host won a bloody victory but realized the battle was only a diversion as Robb Stark, having won house Frey to his cause, split his forces, crossing the river with his cavalry. Lord Halys Hornwood and Ser Pate of the Blue Fork were killed, Lord Medgar Cerwyn was captured but died later from a wound taken, other captives taken were Harrion Karstark, Ser Wylis Manderly, Ser Donnel Locke, Ser Jared Frey, Ser Hosteen Frey, Ser Danwell Frey and Ronel Rivers.

Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=Battles of the Whispering Wood and of the Camps
date= Late 298
place= The wooded area north-east of Riverrun and across the rivers from Riverrun
result= Jaime’s defeat
combatant1= House Lannister
combatant2= House Stark
commander1= Jaime Lannister
commander2= Robb Stark
casualties1= Killed: Lord Andros Brax, Captured: Ser Jaime Lannister, Willem Lannister, Ser Cleos Frey, Tion Frey, Lord Gawen Westerling, Lord Regenard Estren, Lord Quenten Banefort, Ser Garth Greenfeild, Ser Tytos Brax, Mallor the Dornishman.
casualties2= Killed: Daryn Hornwood (by Jaime Lannister), Eddard Karstark (by Jaime Lannister), Torrhen Karstark (by Jaime Lannister),

*Battle of the Whispering Wood. Having split his cavalry from his main force prior to the Battle of the Green Fork, Robb Stark forged an alliance with House Frey in order to cross the river and gain fresh troops. Resupplied, he brought these forces to bear against those besieging Riverrun, first attacking Jaime Lannister in the Whispering Woods, as Jaime was known to lead men to capture stubborn holdfast or attack raiders while the siege of Riverrun was happening. With the help of the Blackfish, Robb's mother's uncle, Robb led a surprise attack on Jaime Lannister as Jaime was leading a host through the Whispering Woods to either capture a stubborn holdfast or to attack raiders. As Lannister and his forces were caught completely off guard, the battle quickly became a slaughter. Ser Jaime, seeing the battle was lost, attempted to personally cut his way to and slay Robb Stark, hoping that the death of the northern leader would create chaos and confusion in the northmen. He slew many in the attempt, including several members of Robb's personal bodyguard, but was captured before he could succeed.

*Battle of the Camps. The night after the Whispering Wood, Ser Brynden Tully led a force against the sleeping, leaderless north camp at Riverrun and quickly defeated them. Lord Andros Brax led his men in the west camp to cross the river, however most of their rafts were destroyed by the defenders of Riverrun. Those that reached the northern side were easily defeated by Ser Brynden. Robb then attacked the west camp with the remainder of his men. Seeing Robb’s attack, Lord Tytos Blackwood also attacked the west camp, rescuing Ser Edmure in the process. Ser Forley Prester led the remaining south camp back to Golden Tooth.

Houses Greyjoy and Baratheon Enter the War

During this time in the war new Kings were crowned. First was Lord Renly Baratheon, who was declared the King in Highgarden by his bannermen of the Stormlands and house Tyrell after his wedding to Lady Margaery, believing he was better suited to the Iron Throne than either his nephew King Joffrey or elder brother Stannis. Next was Lord Robb Stark, who was declared King of the North and the Riverlands by his bannermen and house Tully, as the bannermen of houses Tully and Stark did not want to submit to a Lannister reign. Third was Lord Stannis Baratheon, who was declared King in the Narrow Sea by his few bannermen, feeling it was his duty to take the Iron Throne as King Robert’s closest relative, given that Robert was not the father of Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen. Last was Lord Balon Greyjoy, who was declared King of the Isles by his bannermen in an attempt to secede from the Seven Kingdoms, and who set about conquering the North.

*Reclaiming the Trident. King Robb gave his Riverlords leave to reclaim their lands. Lord Tytos Blackwood reclaimed Raventree as the Lannister men fled scorching the land. Lord Jonos Bracken reclaimed Stone Hedge after a fierce battle costing the life of his nephew and heir Ser Hendry. Darry bannermen also reclaimed Darry for their young Lord Lyman Darry. Lord Karyl Vance and Ser Marq Piper took riding parties to attack Lannister foragers. Much later the other bannermen were also able to reclaim their holdfasts as the Lannisters retreated.
*Sack of Darry Ser Gregor Clegane attacked the castle with his fierce company. After his victory over the garrison he had the entire household put to the sword including the young Lord Lyman Darry.

*Battle of Moat Cailin. Victarion Greyjoy led the entire Iron Fleet of a hundred ships up the Saltspear Bay to descend upon the 400 men left to defend the North in the Neck. Attacking from the north, the natural defenses of the keep were useless and the Northmen were easily beaten by the ironborn.
*Battle of Deepwood Motte. Asha Greyjoy led a dozen ships around Sea Dragon’s Point in the far north to attack the small wooden keep of house Glover located just off the coast. The keep was easily overrun by the ironborn, making captives of Sybell Glover, her young children Gawen and Erena, and Larence Snow, the ward of Galbert Glover.
*Battle of Stony Shore. Theon Greyjoy led eight ships in raiding along the Stony Shore. Benfred Tallhart led an undisciplined company he had dubbed the Young Hares to deal with the raiders. Theon ambushed this company, killing them all, while the only ironborn casualty was Todric, killed by Theon after the battle.
*Battle of Torrhen’s Square. Dagmar Cleftjaw was commanded to besiege the small keep by Theon in a ruse to draw out Ser Rodrik Cassel and the guards of Winterfell. Ser Rodrik arrived as planned to lift the siege, easily defeating the ironborn, only to hear that Winterfell had fallen in his absence.

Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=Sack of Winterfell
date= Late 298
place= Winterfell and surrounding lands
result= Capture and eventually
combatant1= House Greyjoy, House Bolton
combatant2= House Stark
commander1= Theon Greyjoy, Ramsay Bolton
commander2= Bran Stark
casualties1= Killed: None initially, eventually 20 of Theon's men dead and Theon captured
casualties2= Killed: Mikken, Farlen the kennel master, Septon Chayle, Alebelly, Poxy Tym, Rodrik Cassel, Maester Luwin

*Battle of Winterfell. Theon Greyjoy descended on the few remaining guards with only twenty men, storming the castle at night and conquering the mighty castle with ease. After this, Theon declared himself the Prince of Winterfell. Brandon Stark, Rickon Stark, “Little” Walder Frey, “Big” Walder Frey, Meera Reed, Jojen Reed and Beth Cassel were all kept as hostages. However, Brandon, Rickon, Jojen and Meera escaped. To avoid embarrassment, Theon had two boys killed in place of the Starks and announced to the world that they were dead.

*Battle of Oxcross. Ser Stafford Lannister was charged to raise a new Lannister army after the defeat at Riverrun. Having no fear of being attacked in the Westlands (Lannister home territory), he posted few sentries. One night during their training, Ser Brynden Tully quietly killed the sentries, and King Robb’s army took the host by surprise, winning Robb an easy victory and badly bleeding the Lannister host. This happened as King Robb's direwolf found a narrow goat trail leading around the Lannister fort of the Golden Tooth(that guarded the entrance to the Westlands). Ser Stafford was killed by Lord Rickard Karstark and Ser Rupert Brax was also killed. Ser Lymond Vikary and Lord Antario Jast as well as Martyn Lannister were captured. (There was a report that Lord Crakehall was killed but this seems inaccurate as Lord Roland Crakehall appears alive after the Battle of the Blackwater, though this may have been a new Lord Crakehall). On the North’s side Ser Stevron Frey was wounded and died three days later.
*Battle of Ashmark. After Oxcross, King Robb’s army fell on the nearby keep of House Marbrand. The keep was easily sacked and the castellan was killed.

*Siege of Storm’s End. King Stannis Baratheon, realizing he didn’t have the strength to sack King’s Landing (and also on the advice of the Red Priestess Melisandre), besieged his brother’s castle with his 5,000 men. Hearing of this, King Renly marched his mounted forces of 20,000 from Bitterbridge to deal with his brother. After a failed parlay where neither would yield, Stannis offered his younger brother the night to reconsider before fighting the battle at dawn. While preparing for battle, Renly was killed by a shadow, ending the battle before it began. Many of Renly’s bannermen now swore allegiance to King Stannis; however, Ser Cortnay Penrose refused to yield the castle, partially because the safety of his ward, Edric Storm, a bastard son of Robert Baratheon, could not be guaranteed. Ser Loras Tyrell, Lords Randyll Tarly, Mathis Rowan, and Lady Arwyn Oakheart refused to give allegiance and fled to Bitterbridge. Late one night, Lady Melisandre was rowed under the castle where she summoned a shadow that went forth to kill Ser Cortnay. After his death, the castle submitted to King Stannis.
*Battle of the Fords. Lord Tywin Lannister, hearing of King Robb’s victories in the Westerlands, marched his armies from Harrenhal, intent on reclaiming his lands. Ser Edmure Tully, not wanting Lord Tywin to cross the Trident un-bloodied, placed an army of 13,000 men along key fords of the Red Fork. After sending many small forces trying to test the defenses, Tywin had his men attack in force at a dozen places. The most heated battle was at Stone Mill, where Ser Edmure turned back Ser Gregor Clegane’s men. Ser Gregor was wounded from a dozen arrows and Lord Leo Lefford drowned. The other Lannister forces were also defeated and Ser Robert Brax was killed. Ser Lyle Crakehall, called the Strongboar, was captured.

Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=Sack of Harrenhal
date= Late 298
place= Harrenhal
result= Retaking of Harrenhal from Lord Tywin, defection of the Brave Companions to the King in the North
combatant1= House Lannister
combatant2= House Stark, House Bolton, the Brave Companions
commander1= Ser Armoy Lorch
commander2= Ser Halman Tallhart, Lord Roose Bolton, Vargo Hoat
casualties1= Killed: Amory Lorch and several of his men
casualties2= Killed: None

*Sack of Harrenhal. Lord Roose Bolton was ordered to take Harrenhal after Lord Tywin, who went marching west, left Ser Amory Lorch as castellan of 200 men. After joining with Ser Halman Tallhart’s company from the Twins, Bolton's host marched down toward the castle. Vargo Hoat, the commander of the Brave Companions, some 200 sellswords in charge of foraging for Ser Amory, reportedly gave battle to Lord Roose’s vanguard at the Ruby Ford, capturing its commander Robett Glover, Ser Aenys Frey and 100 lesser prisoners. However, the Northmen were quickly freed by Arya Stark with the help of Jaqen H’ghar, Rorge and Biter. At the same time, the Brave Companions turned on the Lorch men and let Roose Bolton's men into the castle. Ser Amory was captured and later killed for sport in a bear pit. Vargo was rewarded for joining the North with the Lordship of Harrenhal.
*At Bitterbridge. Ser Garlan Tyrell, commanding the remaining 60,000 men of Renly’s army, was joined by the returning bannermen from Storm’s End as well as Lord Mace Tyrell’s host of 10,000 men from Highgarden. King Stannis sent Ser Parmen Crane and Ser Erren Florent with the hope of winning the armies there. After the news went through the camps, several fights broke out between those that wanted to aid Stannis and those who remained loyal to Renly. Many returned to their homes, while some quickly traveled to join Stannis’ host as he marched toward King’s Landing. Ser Parmen and Erren were taken prisoner by house Tyrell. Soon after, Lord Petyr Baelish, representing the Iron Throne, won the allegiance of house Tyrell, and riders were sent north to warn Lord Tywin Lannister of the danger to the capital. Lord Tywin joined his near 20,000 men to Mace Tyrell's remaining 50,000 men to march against Stannis.

Battles Ending the War

The War of Five Kings was near its end after two major battles were fought, effectively winning the war for King Joffrey.Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=Battle of the Blackwater
date= Late 299
place= Blackwater Rush at King's Landing
result= Decisive Lannister Victory
combatant1= Stannis Baratheon/Storm's End
combatant2= King Joffrey/King's Landing
commander1= King Stannis, Imry Florent, Davos Seaworth
commander2= King Joffrey, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Garlan Tyrell
casualties1= Killed: Ser Guyard Morrigan (by Garlan Tyrell), Bryce Caron (by Phillip Foote), Ser Imry Florent, the brothers Dale, Allard, Matthos, and Maric Seaworth, Sers Bryan and Edwyd Fossoway (by Lothor Brune) and Lord Monford Velaryon.
Captured: Ser Jon Fossoway (by Lothor Brune) and Ser Tanton Fossoway, Lord Ardrian Celtigar, Bonifer Hasty the Good, Lord Estermont, Lord Steffon Varner, Ser Donnel Swann, Ser Mark Mullendore (lost an arm), Red Ronnet Connington, Dermot of the Rainwood, Lord Willum and his sons Josua and Elyas, Ser Timon the Scrapesword, Aurane Waters (The Bastard of Driftmark), Lord Alesander Staedmon the Pennylover, Heavy Losses

casualties2= Killed:Mandon Moore (by Podric Payne), Jacelyn Bywater
Badly Wounded: Tyrion Lannister, Lancel Lannister

*Battle of the Blackwater. Lord Tyrion Lannister, acting Hand, had won the loyalty of Dorne by the betrothal of Princess Myrcella to Prince Trystane Martell and sent her south with much of the Royal Fleet(a ploy that proved successful, as the soldiers of Highgarden were more instrumental in the Lannister victory on the Blackwater than those ships would likely have been). In anticipation of Stannis's assault on King's Landing (to claim what Stannis believed to be his right to the Iron Throne), Tyrion arranged for the creation of vast amounts of wildfire, to be used in the defense of King's Landing, and commissioned the smiths of King's Landing to forge a long metal chain, to act as a boom across the mouth of the Blackwater during the battle. At the start of the assault, Ser Imry Florent, commander of Stannis’ Fleet, led nearly all of Stannis's ships into Blackwater Rush to engage the remainder of the Royal Fleet (that was not sent to Dorne with Myrcella). However, according to Tyrion's plan, many of Joffrey's ships were unmanned decoys filled with wildfire. During battle, commanders of Stannis's fleet deemed these unmanned vessels ripe for ramming. Davos Seaworth recognized this trap, though too late, and the collision of Stannis's fleet with the decoys precipitated the release of massive amounts of wildfire into the Blackwater. At this exact point in battle, Bronn (under instruction from Tyrion) ordered the boom to be raised, closing the mouth of the Blackwater and effectively trapping much of Stannis's fleet, preventing them from retreating back out into the safety of the Bay and open sea. The tremendous amounts of wildfire caused the river to become a death-trap, and the river near King's Landing was thus an inferno for the duration of the battle, decimating nearly all of Stannis's ships.

Facing almost certain death by burning, and without knowing that the boom had been raised, many captains of the fleet hastened to retreat simultaneously. The collision of so many large ships with the boom and with one another in the mouth of the river essentially created a bridge of burning and twisting wood between both sides of the river. Eventually, this allowed many of Stannis's infantry to move between river banks. In all, several thousand troops crossed the river, and had a major (and unexpected) advantage, where they met the city's outnumbered defenses of 5,000 Goldcloaks. Despite his many setbacks, Stannis took two of the city gates and was near victory when his rearguard was suddenly attacked by Lord Tywin's host of 70,000 men, which had only just arrived from Bitterbridge. Tywin's vanguard was led by Garlan Tyrell, who was wearing Renly Baratheon's armor. This convinced those on Stannis's side who had originally been loyal to Highgarden to think Renly himself had risen from the dead. Stannis's men were quickly routed as many changed sides (believing they were rejoining their resurrected King Renly). Stannis and many of his most loyal men were able to retreat on the ships left out in Blackwater Bay.

Before Tywin's arrival, as Stannis's army overran the city's defenses, several of the city gates were nearly breeched. The Hound had returned from the battle, obviously terrified by the wildfire (with references made to the burns he suffered as a child), and refused to return to battle or to guard the city gate. This apparent treason enraged Tyrion and motivated him to don armor and lead a small company of soldiers out through the gate to clear away soldiers of Stannis. Tyrion and those that volunteered to accompany him were successful in securing the gate and killing several of Stannis's men. Eventually, Tyrion was among those fighting on the twisted bridge of ships that was trapped in the Blackwater river, attempting to stop the large flow of Stannis's men from crossing. In the great heat produced by the wildfire that burned around the river, he removed his helm and assessed the battle scene. It was at this time that he suffered his severe facial injury during an assassination attempt by Ser Mandon.

*Sack of Winterfell. Ser Rodrik Cassel returned to besiege Winterfell with Leobald Tallhart, Cley Cerwyn, and knights of White Harbour, totaling 2,000 men. By threatening Rodrik's daughter Beth, Theon delayed the northmen's attack until Ramsay Snow arrived with 400 men from the Dreadfort. Believing them to be allies, Rodrik's men were taken completely by surprise when they attacked. Rodrik, Leobald and Cley were killed and the leaderless northern host was routed by the Bolton men, who lost only 20 of their own. Theon allowed Ramsay's men into the castle, where he quickly turned on the ironborn as well, killing them all except Theon. The castle was put to the torch and many of the Stark household were killed, including Maester Luwin. Theon, “Little” Walder Frey, “Big” Walder Frey, Kyra, Old Nan and Beth Cassel were all taken back to the Dreadfort as captives.
*Sack of Torrhen’s Square. Dagmar Cleftjaw returned to the keep after Ser Rodrik and Leobald departed for Winterfell. The sparsely defended keep was easily stormed by the ironborn. They killed the castellan and took Berena Tallhart, her children Brandon and Beren, and heiress Eddara Tallhart captive.
* Battle of the Crag. King Robb’s army then fell on the Westerlings' keep, conquering it with ease. In the battle, Robb was wounded and needed some time to recover. When news reached him of Theon's murder of his brothers, he sought comfort in the arms of Jeyne Westerling. Shortly after, to avoid shaming her honor, they were wed despite his promise to marry a daughter of house Frey. It is likely that this act was the most instrumental in precipitating the events that transpired at the Red Wedding.
* Battle of Duskendale. Robett Glover was given command of 3,000 loyal northmen to take the town of Duskendale and its keep Dun Fort. This command was falsely given, however, as Lord Roose Bolton had heard news of Lord Tywin’s great victory at the Battle of the Blackwater and switched sides to join King Joffrey. Robett arrived at Duskendale to find Lord Randyll Tarly’s larger force waiting, and was easily defeated. Robett led the survivors back towards Harrenhal and encountered another army led by Ser Gregor Clegane. Robett and Harrion Karstark were captured, while Ser Helman Tallhart was killed.
* Clegane retakes Harrenhall Under orders from Lord Tywin Lannister, Gregor Clegane and his men retake Harrenhall from Vargo Hoat. This was done easily since the garrison had fled upon receiving news that Clegane was coming and a cook let Clegane and his men in from a postern gate. Clegane then butchers Vargo Hoat.
*Battle of the Ruby Ford. Lord Roose Bolton marched his forces slowly from Harrenhal, leaving the castle to its new lord, Vargo Hoat. As planned, this slow march allowed Ser Gregor Clegane time to attack his rearguard, 2,000 loyal northmen led by Ser Wylis Manderly. Ser Gregor won an easy victory, taking Ser Wylis captive. To defend the ford, Lord Roose left some 600 northmen led by Ser Kyle Condon and Ronnel Stout (men known to be loyal to Robb Stark).

*Beheading of Lord Karstark. Lord Rickard Karstark takes out his revenge against the Lannisters (as Jaime Lannister had previously killed two of his sons during the Battle of the Whispering Wood) by murdering Willem Lannister and Tion Frey in their sleep. Robb Stark holds Lord Karstark and a handful of his men responsible and has his men hanged. Lord Karstark himself is beheaded by Robb for the crime of murdering prisoners. This act drives the Karstark force away from Robb's army, leading them to act against him in later incidents.

Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=The Red Wedding
date= Late 299
place= The Twins
result= Robb defeated and killed, end of the Stark Rebellion
combatant1= House Stark
combatant2= House Frey
commander1= Robb Stark, Greatjon Umber, Edmure Tully
commander2= Walder Frey, Roose Bolton
casualties1= Killed: Robb Stark (by Roose Bolton), Catelyn Stark (by Raymund Frey), Dacey Mormont (by Ryman Frey), Robin Flint, Wendel Manderly, Donnel Locke, Owen Norrey, “Small”Jon Umber, Lucas Blackwood, Raynald Westerling.
Captured: “Great”Jon Umber, Patrik Mallister, Edmure Tully, Marq Piper.

casualties2= Killed: Garse Goodbrook, Tytos Frey (by Sandor Clegane), Aegon Frey (by Catelyn Stark)

*The Red Wedding. King Robb, hearing of King Balon Greyjoy’s death and how many ironborn had returned to their isles to choose a new king, planned to quickly retake the North. House Frey, which had forsaken the King in the North after he broke his marriage agreement, finally changed its mind, conceding to let Lord Edmure Tully marry a Frey girl instead. King Robb marched his army to the Twins for the wedding feast at Lord Walder Frey’s request, where he was soon joined by Lord Roose Bolton and his remaining 3,500 men. Catelyn made sure the Freys fed them bread and salt, which gave Robb and his men the hallowed protection due guests. After a large feast celebrating the union of Lord Edmure Tully and Lady Roslin Frey, the bride and groom were brought to their bedchamber. Around this time, the musicians everywhere in the castle started playing the infamous song "Rains of Castamere", which was the sign for Frey guards to pour into the hall and start killing the wedding guests, thus breaking all rules of hospitality and honor. They were shortly joined by Bolton men, with Roose Bolton personally killing Robb. Lame Lothar Frey had rigged the tents outside to collapse on Robb’s army during the feast, which were now brought down and set afire with flamming pitch as Bolton and Frey men attacked. Lords Frey and Bolton won an easy victory for King Joffrey mostly before Robb’s army knew there was a battle. This victory, combined with the yielding of all the Lords of the Trident except Tully, Mallister and Blackwood, was regarded as the unofficial end of the War of Five Kings, with King Joffrey the victor.

Later Conflicts

King Joffrey’s victory did not last long as he was murdered at his own wedding to Margaery Tyrell. Shortly after, the Hand Lord Tywin Lannister was murdered by his son Tyrion. The young Prince Tommen was crowned and married Margaery in his brother’s place.
*Siege of Seagard. Black Walder Frey led a host to besiege Lord Jason Mallister, one of the few Riverlords not yielding to the Iron Throne. However, at the threat of his son and heir Patrek’s hanging, he quickly conceded. The two are now prisoners of their own keep.
*Battle of the Shields. The newly elected King Euron Greyjoy of the Isles told his people he planned to conquer all of the Seven Kingdoms and began by sailing 1,000 ships to attack the four Reach islands called the Shields. Sending two ships up the Mander River to draw away most of the Shield Fleet, the remaining ships found themselves vastly outnumbered as Victarion Greyjoy led the attack. King Euron stormed Hewett Castle on Oakenshield. Ser Harris Harlaw was given Grimstone after defeating seven knights of house Grim in single combat on the Isle of Greyshield. The other Islands of Greenshield and Southshield were also taken. Ser Talbert Serry was killed by Victarion and Lord Moribald Chester was also killed.
*Siege of Brightwater. Newly made Lord Garlan Tyrell led some 10,000 men to take possession of his castle from house Florent. However, after the Battle of the Shields, he retreated to Highgarden to take up a defensive position should the ironborn try to raid the Tyrell Lands.
*Battle of Dragonstone. Ser Loras Tyrell pledged to take command of the siege after hearing of the Battle of the Shields so Queen Cersei would allow the Redwyne Fleet to sail west to defend the Reach. Upon arrival at Dragonstone, Ser Loras launched an immediate attack. After suffering many losses, the Tyrell army forced the defenders to retreat to the inner keep. Ser Loras again led a fierce attack and ended up capturing the keep, but at a high cost. Ser Loras was reportedly severely burned from boiling oil and wounded during the battle.
*Siege of Riverrun. Ser Jaime Lannister was sent to the castle after Ser Daven Lannister had failed to make any progress in convincing the castle to surrender. Ser Jaime released Lord Edmure Tully under the condition he surrender his castle since as Lord he outranked his uncle Ser Brynden. Edmure surrendered the castle but not until after he aided his uncle to escape capture. The castle was left in the care of its new Lord Emmon Frey with 300 guards.
*Siege of Storm’s End. Lord Mace was commanded to take the castle. After a lengthy siege, he left to march on King’s Landing hearing of his daughter’s imprisonment at the Sept of Baelor, after ordering Lord Randyll Tarly to march south and join him there.
*Siege of Raventree. Lord Jonos Bracken was one of the first Riverlords to swear fealty to King Joffrey; because of their old rivalry, Lord Tytos Blackwood resolved to stay loyal to King Robb. Lord Jonos was given command to besiege the castle where the two sides fight fiercely and the siege is currently ongoing.

Peripheral Theaters

The time period during the War of the Five Kings is noted as containing other conflicts and campaigns that were directly or indirectly related, although not part of the conflict proper. The two principal theaters are Daenerys Targaryen's eastern campaigns against the Ghiscari and the Night's Watch renewed conflict with forces beyond the Wall.

Beyond the Wall

While the War of the Five Kings raged in the south of Westeros the Night's Watch was engaged in heavy fighting not only against resurgent Wildling forces but their ancient enemy, the Others. While the conflicts at and north of the Wall cannot be characterized as a campaign or war by any one side it can be viewed as a three-sided conflict between forces each pursuing their own goals at the expense of the others.

The King Beyond the Wall and The Horn of Winter

Even before the beginning of Robert's Rebellion, Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall, was gathering wildling forces around him in an attempt to stave off attacks from the Others and recover the Horn of Winter. The Horn was needed as a fail-safe against the Night's Watch, as it was reputed in legend to be able to bring down the entire Wall with a single sounding. While most thought that the Horn was just a myth, Mance believed not only that it was real but that he could find it, deep in the frozen mountains known as the Frostfangs.

After the disappearance of a group of rangers led by Ser Waymar Royce, a second group led by First Ranger Benjen Stark went north to find their missing Brothers and discover what was becoming of all the wildlings. After the subsequent disappearance of this second group, and the continued realignment of known wildling population centers, Lord Commander Jeor Mormont organized an expedition of over 300 Brothers and personally led them north to an ancient settlement near the Skirtling Pass, east of the Frostfangs, called the Fist of the First Men.

The Half-Hand and the Battle of the Fist of First Men

While Lord Commander Mormont led his small army north, several groups were dispatched by the Watch to scout ahead. One of these groups was led by Qhorin Halfhand, a senior ranger and the second in command of the Night's Watch western most castle, the Shadow Tower. Accompanied by a half-dozen other rangers, including Jon Snow, a bastard of House Stark, the Halfhand discovered a vast wildling host deep in the Frostfangs. The group was trapped by wildling forces and either killed or went missing one by one until only the Halfhand and Jon Snow remained. At this point, to ensure that someone survived to bring word back to the Lord Commander, Qhorin Halfhand allowed Snow to slay him in a duel, thereby earning Snow the trust of the wildlings. With the destruction of the Halfhand's party, and Snow's inability to escape in time, the Lord Commander would receive no warning of the wildling host's purpose or composition, now numbering over a hundred thousand.

After the Night's Watch encamped on the Fist, a debate ensued among the Watch's leadership as to what the best course of action was to deal with the Wildling threat. Some, such as Thoren Smallwood, advocated attacking the wildling host along its line of march. The argument proved to be of no consequence when night fell and a force of Others and wights assaulted the Fist. The Watch had some initial success with flaming arrows and spear walls, but the massive waves of wights and the deadly Others overcame the Watch's defenses. Realizing that his position was untenable and remaining on the Fist would result in the overrunning and ultimate destruction of his forces, Lord Commander Mormont ordered the Brothers to attempt a breakout of their encircled position. Once mounted, the Brothers formed a wedge and managed to fight their way off the Fist.

Mormont's savaged forces managed to make a long march through the snow-covered wilderness to Craster's Keep, a Wildling estate known to the Brothers to be friendly to the Watch. The Watch was harried and harassed all through the night as they made their retreat, and by the time that they reached Craster's Keep less than one hundred Brother's remained of the original force. It was here, desperate and angry at their situation, that a group of Brothers rebelled and murdered not only the Craster but Lord Commander Mormont as well. A small group of loyalists managed to escape the carnage and make their way back to the Wall, bringing news of the disastrous expedition's fate.

The Battles of Castle Black and The Gap

Mance Rayder, now knowing that the bulk of The Watch's fighting forces had been wiped out on the Fist by their mutual enemy, made his way out of the Frostfangs and started his march toward the Wall. Mance formed a plan to divert the remaining fighting men from both Castle Black and the Shadow Tower to the far west so he could send a team to scale the Wall and take the unwalled Castle Black from behind. With his diversionary force riding hard for the west, Lord Steward Bowen Marsh marshaled his forces and took the bait leaving only the old, the green, and the sickly behind to defend Castle Black. After this time, Jon Snow escaped from the wildlings and managed to return to Castle Black with warning of the approaching enemy force of Thenns and Wildling raiders sweeping around to their southern flank.

The Battle for Castle Black began in the early morning hours as wildling raiders and Thenn warriors stormed into Castle Black. Jon Snow and Donal Noye, Castle Black's blacksmith and de facto commander, organized the defense around archers in the towers and a line of fighting men on the massive wooden staircase that zigzagged up the south face of the Wall. After the archers took a heavy toll on the wildling force the battle was joined on the stair. Once the majority of the wildling forces had mounted the stair and were pushing back the crumbling defense the Watch sprung their desperate trap. The stair, soaked in oil between the last Night's Watch line of defense and the base of the structure, was set ablaze, destroying the stair and annihilating the wildling forces. While the raiding party had been defeated Mance's main force had yet to be dealt with and the Watch's primary means of transporting men and materials to the Wall had been destroyed.

With the news that his advance party had been defeated, and he would have to assault the Wall, Mance assembled his host at the tree line. Aftrer a small probing attack at night, the first morning's attacks were spearheaded by Giants mounted on mammoths. Only one giant, Mag the Mighty, King of the Giants, managed to breach the massive doors that lead to the tunnel underneath the Wall. Donal Noye and several brothers defended the tunnel system with spears and arrowfire from behind the internal gate and murder-hole system built into the tunnel. While they managed to kill all of the attackers, including Mag, and held the interior portcullis under the Wall, all the defenders were slain, including Noye, whose body was found crushed by Mag, his sword thrust though the Giant's neck.

With the death of Donal Noye, Jon Snow assumed command of the defense of the Wall at the request of its Maester, Aemon Targaryen. Over the next several days Snow managed to throw back repeated attacks on the Wall by using catapults, archers, flaming arrows, boiling oils and finally frozen barrels of rock and ice used to destroy Mance's armored battering rams. Fortunately for the defenders of Castle Black, reinforcements arrived in the form of Brothers fresh from the battle at the Gap, Bowen Marsh's costly engagement of Mance's diversionary attack. Marsh, the Lord Steward and not a ranger, was badly wounded in the pyrrhic victory. Ser Alliser Thorne and Lord Janos Slynt, a known sympathizer of House Lannister, enemies of Jon Snow's parent House Stark, arrived along with the reinforcements. They took Jon Snow into custody with the knowledge that he had deserted and joined forces with the wildlings, either not believing or not caring about his orders from the Half-Hand to do just that.

Assuming that Snow would be killed, Slynt dispatched him to treat with Mance and demand his surrender. It was at this meeting that Snow learned that Mance had in fact found the Horn of Winter and held back from its sounding only because of a fear that without the Wall standing nothing would stop the Others from following his people into the South.

King Stannis on the Wall and the new Lord Commander.

Infobox Military Conflict
conflict= The Battle at the Wall
date= 298
place= The Wall
result= End of wildling threat, defeat of Mance Rayder
combatant1= Night's Watch
combatant2= The Wildlings
commander1= Jon Snow
commander2= Mance Rayder, Tormund Giantsbane
strength1= 20 members of the Night's Watch, 5000 knights
strength2= 40,000 wildling troops, including giants and woolly mammoths
casualties1= Qhorin Half-hand, Squire Dalbridge, several companies of the Night's Watch, overall minimal
casualties2= Almost completely captured or slain, but some wildlings escape with Tormund Giantsbane
It was only moments after Jon Snow entered Mance's tent that a force of Brothers from Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and the armies of King Stannis Baratheon descended on the Wildlings east flank. A screening force of the Night's Watch broke up the Wildling forces and then Stannis' armored horse smashed through their ranks. In the ensuing battle the entire Wildling force was either captured or routed with over a thousand Wildlings killed. Mance was captured and most of his lieutenants were killed or captured, with the exception of Tormund "Giant's Bane".

With King Stannis on the Wall, Mance in irons and the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, along with most of the senior Brothers killed at the Fist or the Gap, the Watch was left in a precarious position of having to not only elect a new Lord Commander but also preserve their political neutrality. After a contested election between Lord Denys Mallister, commander of the Shadow Tower, Cotter Pyke, commander of East-Watch and Lord Janos Slynt, Jon Snow's name was placed as a compromise that both Mallister and Pyke could agree upon. The political maneuvers of Samwell Tarly securing Mallister's and Pyke's support (to prevent Janos Slynt, who both agreed would make a bad Lord Commander, from being voted in) and some fortunate election night events resulted in Jon Snow becoming the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

In the East

Infobox Military Conflict
conflict= The Campaigns of Slaver's Bay
date= 298
place= Ghis
result= Daenerys's victory, expulsion of the rulers of Slaver's Bay
combatant1= Daenerys Targaryen
combatant2= Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen
commander1= Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Barristan Selmy, Grey Worm
commander2= The Good Masters, The Wise Masters, and the Great Masters
strength1= 100 Dothraki horseriders, 10,000 Unsullied (infantry), 3 dragons (Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion)
strength2= Unknown, at least several hundred mercenaries and slave soldiers
casualties1= Minimal
casualties2= Many hundreds slain

Whilst the War of the Five Kings raged in Westeros and the Night's Watch battled for its survival, several other conflicts erupted on the eastern continent. Many of these wars were minor: the Dothraki mounting their usual heavy raids on the lands of the Lhazareen, another brewing war between Myr and Lys for control of the Disputed Lands and so forth. However, one was major and significantly shifted the balance of power. This war would also later directly impact on affairs in Westeros.

After the War of the Usurper, the eight-year-old Viserys Targaryen and the newborn Daenerys Targaryen took refuge in the Free Cities. When she was nearly fourteen years of age (ca. 298 AL) Daenerys was sold to the Dothraki Khal Drogo in return for the use of his forty thousand bloodriders in placing Viserys on the Iron Throne. However, Viserys proved impatient and unwisely insulted Khal Drogo, resulting in his death at Drogo's hands. Drogo eventually perished from a wound taken in battle and his "khal" was divided up amomngst his old lieutnants. Daenerys and a small entourage of the remaining, made up largely of the old, sick or young were left to die in the red wastes, but eventually found safety in the city of Qarth on the Jade Sea. During this time three ancient eggs belonging to House Targaryen and restored to Daenerys by her ally Illyrio Mopatis hatched into dragons. After attempts on her life in Qarth, Daenerys was able to return to Pentos on ships sent to rescue her by Mopatis.

However, on the way back to Pentos, Daenerys chose to divert to Slaver's Bay to purchase a slave army from the three great Ghiscari slave cities: Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen.

After taking the three merchant vessels of Illyrio Mopatis, Daenerys followed the council of Ser Jorah Mormont to buy Unsullied soldiers from Astapor for her conquest of Westeros. She traded her dragon Drogon for 8600 Unsullied and immediately used them to take the city, taking back her dragon as well. She freed the slaves of Astapor, including her Unsullied, and left a council of freedmen to rule the city, led by a healer, a priest, and a scholar. With her new army, Daenerys marched north on Yunkai. Many Astapori freedmen followed her.

The Yunkai'i met her three leagues from the city with a host of five thousand, including two sellsword companies of five hundred each, the Stormcrows and the Second Sons. The bulk of the host consisted of slave soldiers. However, Yunkai's specialty was sex slaves, and one of Daenerys's captains dismissed its soldiers as 'bedboys armed with spears.' Daenerys treated with the captains of the enemy contingents, giving Yunkai three days to surrender. She attacked that night and the Stormcrows betrayed the Yunkai'i. The rest of the host was scattered or captured. The Second Sons joined Daenerys after the battle. The Yunkai'i surrendered several days later, releasing all their slaves.

Meereen, the northernmost city of Slaver's Bay, was also the best-fortified. The Meereenese used a scorched earth defense against Daenerys's army and nailed up slave children pointing the way to the city. A champion, Oznak zo Pahl, emerged to challenge the invaders, and was slain by Daenerys's eunuch bodyguard Strong Belwas, a former gladiator in Meereen. Daenerys broke up her ships for timber in preparation for a siege. To avoid an extended campaign, Ser Jorah, Barristan Selmy and Strong Belwas led a small force through the city's sewers. They released the gladiator slaves of the fighting pits and used the ensuing chaos to open the city's gates. In contrast to her previous Ghiscari occupations, Daenerys lingered at Meereen and ruled it as queen. This was because at this time, she received word that her ruling council in Astapor had been overthrown by a dictatorial butcher resulting in much suffering. Not wanting to let this happen to Meereen, she decided to stay.

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