2001 in poetry

2001 in poetry

in?=in poetry
in2?=in literature
cp=20th century
c=21st century
cf=22nd century



* Immediately after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, W. H. Auden's "September 1, 1939" was read (with many lines omitted) on National Public Radio and was widely circulated and discussed for its relevance to recent events.
* December 9–10 — Professor John Basinger, 67, performed, from memory, John Milton's "Paradise Lost" at Three Rivers Community-Technical College in Norwich, Connecticut, a feat that took 18 hours.
* In "The Best American Poetry 2001", poet and guest editor Robert Hass wrote, "There are roughly three traditions in American poetry at this point: a metrical tradition that can be very nervy and that is also basically classical in impulse; a strong central tradition of free verse made out of both romanticism and modernism, split between the impulses of an inward and psychological writing and an outward and realist one, at its best fusing the two; and an experimental tradition that is usually more passionate about form than content, perception than emotion, restless with the conventions of the art, skeptical about the political underpinnings of current practice, and intent on inventing a new one, or at least undermining what seems repressive in the current formed style. [...] At the moment there are poets doing good, bad, and indifferent work in all these ranges." Critic Maureen McLane said of Hass' description that "it's hard to imagine a more judicious account of major tendencies." [ [http://newsbank.com] Hass quoted from his Introduction to "The Best American Poetry 2001", by Maureen McLane in "Eclectic collection: A new anthology of American works includes a wide range of forms, styles and themes", a review of the book on page 4 of the Books section of "The Chicago Tribune", September 23, 2001, accessed via Newsbank.com Web site, October 13, 2007]

Works published


* Robert Adamson "Mulberry Leaves: New & Selected Poems 1970-2001"
* Les Murray, "Conscious & Verbal", shortlisted for the 2002 International Griffin Poetry Prize
* Philip Salom, "A Cretive Life". ("sic".) (Fremantle Arts Centre) ISBN 978-1-86368-300-5
* Chris Wallace-Crabbe, "By and Large", Manchester: Carcanet; and Sydney; Brandl and Schlesinger


* Christian Bök, "Eunoia", winner of the 2002 Canadian Griffin Poetry Prize (Canada) ISBN 978-1-933368-15-3
* George Elliott Clarke:
** "Execution Poems: The Black Acadian Tragedy of George and Rue". Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Gaspereau Press, ISBN 1-894031-48-2 Canada
** "Blue". Vancouver: Polestar, ISBN 1-55192-414-5
* Roy Miki, "Surrender" winner of the 2002 Governor General's Award for poetry,

New Zealand

* Alistair Campbell, "Maori Battalion: a poetic sequence", Wellington: Wai-te-ata Press
* Allen Curnow, "The Bells of Saint Babel's", a winner of the Montana New Zealand Book Awards [ [http://www.bookcouncil.org.nz/writers/curnowa.html Allen Curnow Web page] at the New Zealand Book Council website, accessed April 21, 2008]
* Lauris Edmond, "Selected Poems 1975-2000", edited by K. O. Arvidson, Wellington: Bridget Williams Books, posthumousRobinson, Roger and Wattie, Nelson, "The Oxford Companion to New Zealand Literature", 1998, "Lauris Edmond" article]
* Bill Manhire, "Collected Poems"
* Cilla McQueen, "Axis", Otago University Press [ [http://www.library.auckland.ac.nz/subjects/nzp/nzlit2/mcqueen.htm Cilla McQueen - NZ Literature File - LEARN - The University Of Auckland Library ] ]
* Paul Millar, "Spark to a Waiting Fuse: James K. Baxter’s Correspondence with Noel Ginn 1942-1946"
* Michael O'Leary, "He Waiatanui Kia Aroha"
* Hone Tuwhare, "Piggyback Moon"
* Ian Wedde, "The Commonplace Odes"

=United Kingdom=

* Ciarán Carson: "The Twelfth of Never", Picador, Wake Forest University Press
* James Fenton: "A Garden from a Hundred Packets of Seed", Viking / Farrar, Straus and Giroux [http://www.jamesfenton.com/books/] Web page titled "Books by Fenton" at the James Fenton Web site, accessed October 11, 2007]
* Seamus Heaney, "Electric Light", Faber & Faber
* Derek Mahon, "Selected Poems." Penguin
* Sean O'Brien, "Downriver" (Picador)
* Hugo Williams, "Curtain Call: 101 Portraits in Verse," (editor) Faber and Faber

Criticism, scholarship and biography in the United Kingdom

* Stephen Wade, editor, "Gladsongs and Gatherings: Poetry and Its Social Context in Liverpool Since the 1960s", Liverpool University Press, ISBN 0-85323-727-1

Anthologies in the United Kingdom

* Keith Tuma, "Anthology of Twentieth-Century British and Irish Poetry" (Oxford University Press)
* Elaine Feinstein, "Ted Hughes - The Life of a Poet", Weidenfeld & Nicholson

United States

* Elizabeth Alexander, "Antebellum Dream Book" [ [http://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poet.html?id=82517 Web page titled "Elizabeth Alexander"] at the Poetry Foundation website, accessed April 24, 2008]
* Ralph Angel, "Twice Removed" (Sarabande)
* Bei Dao, "At the Sky's Edge: Poems 1991-1996" (New Directions) ISBN 0-8112-1495-8
* Eavan Boland, "Against Love Poetry" (Norton); a "New York Times" "notable book of the year"
* Joseph Brodsky: "Nativity Poems", translated by Melissa Green; New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, [http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1987/brodsky-bibl.html] Web page titled "Joseph Brodsky / Nobel Prize in Literature 1987 / Bibliography" at the "Official Web Site of the Nobel Foundation", accessed October 18, 2007] Russian-American
* Paul Celan, translated by John Felstiner, "Selected Poems and Prose of Paul Celan" (Norton); a "New York Times" "notable book of the year"
* Maxine Chernoff, "World: Poems 1991-2001" (Salt Publications)
* Billy Collins, "Sailing Alone Around the Room: New and Selected Poems" (Random House); a "New York Times" "notable book of the year" (ISBN 0-375-50380-3)
* W.S. Di Piero, "Skirts and Slacks: Poems" (Knopf); a "New York Times" "notable book of the year"
* Ed Dorn, "Chemo Sábe", Limberlost Press (posthumous)
* Alice Fulton, "Felt" (Norton); a "Los Angeles Times" "Best Book of 2001"
* Seamus Heaney, "Electric Light" (Farrar, Straus & Giroux); a "New York Times" "notable book of the year" (Irish poet living in the United States)
* Jane Hirshfield, "Given Sugar, Given Salt"
* Paul Hoover, "Rehearsal in Black", (Cambridge, England: Salt Publications)
* James Merrill, "Collected Poems", edited by J.D. McClatchy and Stephen Yenser (Knopf); a "New York Times" "notable book of the year"
* Paul Muldoon, "Poems 1968-1998" (Farrar, Straus & Giroux); a "New York Times" "notable book of the year" (British poet in the United States)
* Amos Oz, "The Same Sea" (Harcourt); a novel about sexual hanky-panky involving a man, son and several women; most of the book is in verse; the author collaborated on the translation by Nicholas de Lange); a "New York Times" "notable book of the year"
* Carl Phillips, "The Tether" [McClatchy, J. D., editor, "The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Poetry", second edition, Vintage Books (Random House), 2003]
* Jay Wright, "Transfigurations: Collected Poems" (Louisiana State University Press); a "New York Times" "notable book of the year"

Anthologies in the United States

* Caroline Kennedy, editor, "The Best-Loved Poems of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis", a hardcover New York Times best seller for 15 weeks late this year and into 2002. [ [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/15/books/review/15tbr.html?ex=1170565200&en=c5c012e03dfec7d9&ei=5070] Garner, Dwight, "TBR/ Inside the List" column, "The New York Times Book Review", January 15, 2006]

Poets included in "The Best American Poetry 2001"

The 75 poets included in "The Best American Poetry 2001", edited by David Lehman, co-edited this year by Robert Hass:
*Nin Andrews
*Rae Armantrout
*John Ashbery
*Angela Ball
*Mary Jo Bang
*Cal Bedient
*Elizabeth Bishop
*Robert Bly
*Lee Ann Brown
*Michael Burkard
*Trent Busch
*Amina Calil
*Anne Carson
*Joshua Clover
*Billy Collins
*Robert Creeley
*Lydia Davis
*R. Erica Doyle
*Christopher Edgar
*Thomas Sayers Ellis
*Amy England
*Alan Feldman
*James Galvin
*Louise Glück
*Jewelle Gomez
*Jorie Graham
*Linda Gregerson
*Linda Gregg
*Allen Grossman
*Donald Hall
*Anthony Hecht
*Lyn Hejinian
*Brenda Hillman
*Jane Hirshfield
*John Hollander
*Richard Howard
*Fanny Howe
*Olena Kalytiak Davis
*Shirley Kaufman
*Galway Kinnell
*David Kirby
*Carolyn Kizer
*Kenneth Koch
*Noelle Kocot
*John Koethe
*Yusef Komunyakaa
*Mark Levine
*Sarah Manguso
*J. D. McClatchy
*Colleen J. McElroy
*Heather McHugh
*Harryette Mullen
*Carol Muske Dukes
*Alice Notley
*Sharon Olds
*Kathleen Ossip
*Grace Paley
*Michael Palmer
*John Peck
*Lucia Perillo
*Carl Phillips
*Robert Pinsky
*Claudia Rankine
*Adrienne Rich
*James Richardson
*Rachel Rose
*Mary Ruefle
*James Schuyler
*Charles Simic
*Susan Stewart
*Larissa Szporluk
*James Tate
*Bernard Welt
*Dean Young
*Rachel Zucker

Criticism, scholarship and biography in the United States

* Kate Sontag and David Graham, editors, "After Confession: Poetry as Autobiography", Graywolf Press

Other in English

* Pat Boran, "As the Hand, the Glove" (Dedalus), Ireland [http://www.patboran.com/ "Publications" Web page] at Pat Boran's Web site, accessed May 2]
* Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin: "The Girl Who Married the Reindeer", Oldcastle: The Gallery Press, Ireland [http://ireland.poetryinternationalweb.org/piw_cms/cms/cms_module/index.php?obj_id=11162&x=1 Web page titled "Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin"] at Poetry International website, accessed May 3, 2008]

Awards and honors


* C. J. Dennis Prize for Poetry: John Mateer, "Barefoot Speech"
* Dinny O'Hearn Poetry Prize: "Untold Lives and Later Poems" by Rosemary Dobson
* Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry: Ken Taylor, "Africa"
* Miles Franklin Award: Frank Moorhouse, "Dark Palace"


* Gerald Lampert Award
* Archibald Lampman Award
* Atlantic Poetry Prize
* Griffin Poetry Prize (Canada): Anne Carson, "Men in the Off Hours"
* Griffin Poetry Prize (International, in the English Language): Nikolai Popov and Heather McHugh, translation of "Glottal Stop: 101 Poems" by Paul Celan
* Pat Lowther Award
* Prix Alain-Grandbois
* Shaunt Basmajian Chapbook Award

New Zealand

* Prime Minister's Awards for Literary Achievement:
* Montana New Zealand Book Awards (no winner in poetry category this year) First-book award for poetry: Stephanie de Montalk, "Animals Indoors", Victoria University Press

=United Kingdom=

* Cholmondeley Award: Ian Duhig, Paul Durcan, Kathleen Jamie, Grace Nichols
* Eric Gregory Award: Leontia Flynn, Thomas Warner, Tishani Doshi, Patrick Mackie, Kathryn Gray, Sally Read
* Forward Poetry Prize (Best Collection): Sean O'Brien, "Downriver" (Picador)
* Forward Poetry Prize (Best First Collection): John Stammers, "The Panoramic Lounge Bar" (Picador)
* Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry: Michael Longley
* T. S. Eliot Prize (United Kingdom and Ireland): Anne Carson, "The Beauty of the Husband"
* Whitbread Award for poetry: Selima Hill, "Bunny"

United States

* Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize awarded to Gabriel Gudding for "A Defense of Poetry"
* Aiken Taylor Award for Modern American Poetry, Frederick Morgan
* Bernard F. Connors Prize for Poetry, Gabrielle Calvocoressi, for "Circus Fire, 1944"
* Bollingen Prize for Poetry, Louise Glück
* Brittingham Prize in Poetry, Robin Behn, "Horizon Note"
* Frost Medal: Sonia Sanchez
* National Book Award for Poetry: Alan Dugan, "Poems Seven: New and Complete Poetry"
* Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress: Billy Collins appointed
* Poets' Prize: Philip Booth, "Lifelines: Selected Poems 1950-1999"
* Pulitzer Prize for Poetry: Stephen Dunn, "Different Hours"
* Robert Fitzgerald Prosody Award: Edward Weismiller
* Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize: Yusef Komunyakaa
* Wallace Stevens Award: John Ashbery
* William Carlos Williams Award: Ralph J. Mills, "Grasses Standing: Selected Poems", Judge: Fanny Howe


*January 17 – Gregory Corso, American Beat Generation poet, 70, of prostate cancer
*February 25 – A. R. Ammons, American author and poet
*February 14 – Alan Ross (born 1922), United Kingdom
*February 22 – Leo Connellan (born 1928), United States
*March 23 – Louis Dudek, Canada
*September 23 – Allen Curnow, New Zealand poet and journalist
*October 16 – Anne Ridler (born 1912), British poet and Faber and Faber editor
*October 20 – Andrew Waterhouse
*October 26:
**Elizabeth Jennings (born 1926), United Kingdom
**Pamela Gillilan
*November 25 – David Gascoyne (born 1915), British poet associated with the Surrealist movement
*December 20 – Léopold Senghor, first President of Senegal, poet and writer
*December 27 – Ian Hamilton (born 1938), British poet, critic, magazine publisher
*Date not known:
** Agha Shahid Ali, English-language poet born and raised in Kashmir
** Alan Brunton, New Zealand
** Bill Sewell, New Zealand


* [http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/timeline/] "A Timeline of English Poetry" Web page of the Representative Poetry Online Web site, University of Toronto

ee also

*List of years in poetry
*List of poetry awards

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