Celestial (Dungeons & Dragons)

Celestial (Dungeons & Dragons)

Infobox D&D creature

In the "Dungeons & Dragons" fantasy role-playing game, celestials are outsiders of wholly good alignment and hail from the Upper Planes.

There are four known types of celestial. Archons, Eladrins, and Guardinals are led by celestial paragons, unique beings as powerful as demon princes and archdevils.

Publication history

Angels (then called Devas) first appeared in "Dragon" issue #63 (July 1982). Astral, Movanic and Monadic Devas appeared in issue #63 in the article "Featured Creatures." Planetar and Solars made their first appearance in issue #64's (August 1982) "Featured Creatures" article. "Featured Creatures" was an ongoing series of articles where Gary Gygax released information on official creatures before their release in the upcoming "Monster Manual II" (1983).


Angels can be of any good alignment, and can live any of the Upper Planes instead of being limited to just one. Many subspecies of angels exist, including Astral Deva, Solar, and Planetar.Or|date=March 2008

Astral Deva

These angels watch over lesser beings from the heavens and, in turn, are symbols of sentry and looked upon as messengers from Gods. Although avoiding combat whenever possible, it loves to strike down evil with a passion, preferring blunt weapons such as maces over blades and staves.


Planetar angels are legendary warriors and guardians, serving as captains and commanding legions of celestials to war with anything that would threaten the destruction of the cosmos. Like all other celestials, they will attack fiends and demons before anything else, and prefer to mix their vast array of heavenly magic with their mighty greatswords and massive charges.


When the mightiest of the demons, the most hell-bent destructor fiends and the evil deities themselves crawl from the pits of Baator to challenge good, the Solar angels will always be among the defenders. Solar angels are the elite fighting force of justice in the planes, and when not fighting evil, they are in the direct service of the good deities. Solar also featured as the only published epic stat figurine for the lawful good faction in the Blood War set. The Solar's stat card featured extremely high attack power and speed, along with his trademark "slaying arrow" which is able to immediately destroy any creature with 100 health points or less. He was only rivaled by the Pit Fiend in that set.


Archons are lawful good and found on the plane of Mount Celestia. They consider fiends their sworn enemies and devote their existence to protecting all the free peoples against the tyranny of evil.


Eladrins are chaotic good and found on the plane of Arborea. They are the free knights of everything extraplanar, and search endlessly throughout the planes for good men and women to lend a swordarm and to help champion the Eladrin cause.


Guardinals are neutral good and found on the plane of Elysium. In their home plane, they are perhaps the most peace-loving and carefree of all Celestials, but once separated from Elysium, they become fierce crusaders and preemptive attackers who live to destroy injustice until once again brought home.

ee also

*List of species in fantasy fiction
*Major planar races

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