

Bilinear may refer to

* Bilinear sampling, a method in computer graphics for choosing the color of a texture.
* Bilinear form
* Bilinear interpolation
* Bilinear map, a type of mathematical function between vector spaces
* Bilinear transform, a method of transforming from the S to Z domain in control theory.

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  • Bilinear — Bi*lin e*ar, a. (Math.) Of, pertaining to, or included by, two lines; as, bilinear co[ o]rdinates. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bilinear — Bilinear, s.v.w. linear (d.h. vom erden Grade) in bezug auf jede von zwei beliebigen Größen oder zwei Reihen von solchen. Z.B. ist axy + bx + cy + d = 0 eine bilineare Gleichung für die Unbekannten x und y, a00 + a10x1 + a20x2 + a01y1 + a11x1y1 + …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • bilinear — (adj.) also bi linear, 1851, from BI (Cf. bi ) + LINEAR (Cf. linear). Related: Bilinearly; bilinearity …   Etymology dictionary

  • bilinear — [bī lin′ē ər] adj. of or involving two lines …   English World dictionary

  • bilinear — /buy lin ee euhr/, adj. Math. 1. of, pertaining to, or having reference to two lines: bilinear coordinates. 2. of the first degree in each of two variables, as an equation. [1850 55; BI 1 + LINEAR] * * * …   Universalium

  • bilinear — adjective Linear (preserving linear combination) in each variable. The function f(x,y)=xy is bilinear, because f(ax+bu,y)=a·f(x,y)+b·f(u,y) and f(x,ay+bv)=a⋅f(x,y)+b·f(x,v) for all values …   Wiktionary

  • bilinear — bi•lin•e•ar [[t]baɪˈlɪn i ər[/t]] adj. 1) math. of or pertaining to two lines: bilinear coordinates[/ex] 2) math. of the first degree in each of two variables • Etymology: 1850–55 …   From formal English to slang

  • Bilinear time–frequency distribution — Bilinear time–frequency distributions, or quadratic time–frequency distributions, arise in a sub field field of signal analysis and signal processing called time–frequency signal processing, and, in the statistical analysis of time series data.… …   Wikipedia

  • Bilinear filtering — is a texture filtering method used to smooth textures when displayed larger or smaller than they actually are.Most of the time, when drawing a textured shape on the screen, the texture is not displayed exactly as it is stored, without any… …   Wikipedia

  • Bilinear transformation — can refer to: * Bilinear operator * Möbius transformation …   Wikipedia

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