Polyphem missile

Polyphem missile

The Polyphem was a proposed light-weight fibre-optic wire-guided surface-to-surface missile with a range of 60 km.

It uses a sealed round, a solid propellant booster rocket to launch the missile out of its canister to an initial height, so that the wings and control surfaces can unfold, and a more fuel economic turbojet cruise engine kicks in to propel the missile.

The missile can be programmed to follow a preset course, using GPS or inertial guidance. An infrared seeker can be used to automatically pick a target and for the terminal guidance phase, but it is also possible to transfer the thermal images back to the launching platform via a 200 MBit/s data link provided by an optical fibre, and manually select the target.

The Polyphem program was started in 1994 by Germany, France and Italy. Italy later left the project.

A naval version, called Polyphem-S, was initially selected for the Braunschweig class corvette as anti-ship and land-attack missile, but that has been cancelled.

The Polyphem program as a whole was canceled in 2003. [ [http://www.reports.eads.net/eads/ar_2003_en/pages/master.php?id=a_1_6_1_4 Annual Report and Reference Document 2003 - EADS] ]

"Polyphem" is the german Name of Polyphemus, the cyclops in the "Odyssey" that got his eye stabbed out by Ulysses.

The system is roughly comparable to the Serbian ALAS missile.


*Speed: 120—180 m/s (around 430—650 km/h)
*Range: up to 60 km
*Altitude: 20 to 600 m above ground (variable)
*Missile mass: around 130 kg
*Length: 2.70 m
*Warhead: up to 20 kg



* [http://www.army-technology.com/projects/polyphem/ POLYPHEM - army-technology.com]
* [http://www.flightglobal.com/Articles/1998/10/28/44328/Striking+possibility.html Striking possibility - Flight Global]

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